Exceptional Curriculum for Teaching Computer Science.

Teach computer science easily and efficiently with our outstanding curriculum.

Classes created
Students enrolled
Higher AP CS pass rate than the national avg. *Based on pilot school survey


Try out the courses.

Create your CS Pathway

From introductory course to AP CS

Unleash the full potential of your students

Excellent Curriculum

Courses Offered

Experience courses with high-quality curriculum.

  • Python Turtle Graphics


  • Creating 3D artwork with Javascript


  • Game Development with Roblox


  • Intro to Physical Computing with Micro:bit


  • Intro to CS with Python


  • Cybersecurity


  • Intro to CS with JavaScript


  • Intro to CS with Python and Raspberry Pi


  • AP CS Principles


  • AP CS A Java


All-in-one solution

Student management

Track student progress. Provide hints and explanations. Don't let anyone fall behind.

Gradebook allows quick scanning of your whole class as well as deep dive into student work.
Easy grading.
Auto-grader and solution guides help educators quickly and accurately assess student skills.
LMS Integration.
Integrate your learning management system for seamless student management and login.
Product screenshot

Supporting various teaching style

Developed for educators

Teacher resources and flexible settings support various activity types and learning styles.

Teacher resources.
Lesson plans, solution guides, slides, and handouts are provided so you can coordinate various learning activities to assist student learning.
Customizable course.
Add your own videos, coding projects, and quizzes. You know your students best!
Professional Development.
Matching professional development is available to ensure you are well-prepared for leading your class.
Product screenshot


Plug and Play

Experience the power of an advanced autograder, providing instant feedback and precise assessments to foster student growth.

Grade student projects instantly. Supports Python, JavaScript, and Java.
Teacher Resources
Get lesson plans, solution guides, slides and handouts to coordinate your activities.
Create quizzes and exams with deadlines, special instructions, and custom scores.
Customizable Content
Customize your course so it fits your needs perfectly.
Track student progress. Zoom out to see the whole class. Zoom in to check out individual student work.
Student Privacy
We take student privacy seriously. Manage your class with usernames.
LMS Integration
Single sign-on to Cobi from your learning management system. Seamlessly integrate Cobi.
Get support from friendly staff. Whether it's debugging, general questions, feature requests, we've got you covered.

Take a tour of Cobi.
Try it out today.

Talk to us and get free premium access to test drive Cobi with your students.